Flat bread – Starch free recipe

Flat bread – Starch free recipe

🥪 Easy and quick basic starch free bread recipe for ankylosing spondylitis diet. Ready for sweet and salty toppings. Ready for freezer, no eggs used.

This recipe is one of my basic go to breads. Mainly because I can freeze them and they do not contain loads of eggs or almond flower.

One batch gives me 12 slices. They taste a bit sweet because of the coconut flower but you can add herbs to mask the taste. They are soft and full of fiber. Make sure to drink enough water if you eat these! 

I keep them in my freezer or refrigerator.

This bread it super tasty with melted cheese and a bit of salami ! Easy pizza! (not a real crunchy crust though!)

Basic flat bread starch free recipe

Flat bread – Starch free recipe

Happy starch free
Easy basic flat bread ready for sweet and salty toppings. This recipe is for 12 slices and it can be put in the freezer. Keep in refrigerator.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Breakfast, lunch, snack
Cuisine Basic
Servings 12


  • Measuring cups
  • Bowl
  • Fork
  • Spoon
  • 2 Parchment papers
  • Oven plate
  • Oven
  • Wooden cutting board
  • Hard flat cake scooper / linial/ruler – for flattening dough.


  • 1 Cup Coconut flower
  • 2 TBS Chia seed
  • 2 TBS Flax seed Grounded.
  • 2 TBS Psyllium fiber Use the whole fiber not the powder.
  • 2 TBS Sesame seeds Additional.
  • 2 TBS Olive oil or coconut oil.
  • 2 Cup Warm water Add extra if dough is to dry.
  • Herbs, Italian, Provence. Additional.
  • 0,5 TS Salt I use a lot of salt because I have POTS. Use les if you do not have POTS.


  • Preheat oven at 200°C.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Don't forget to grind the flaxseeds/linseeds.
  • Add the olive or coconut oil.
  • Add the water. Add more if the dough is to dry. Add small amounts at a time to not make it to wet. See video for the right consistency. The dough should not brake easily while flattening it with the cake scooper. If the dough is to wet, it will take longer to bake it dry but you can still use it.
  • Place parchment-paper on ovenplate.
  • Spread the dough over the plate.
  • Place parchment paper on top of the dough and strike over it with the cake scooper to flatten it to you wish. I make my bread 0,5mm thick. Try to make it as even as you can. The outsides tend to be thinner and bake faster. Rotate the slices after the first baking round.
  • Bake the bread 15min at 200°C.
  • You should be able to lift the slices whitout a problem, if not bake a couple minutes longer. Turn them over and rotate the outer pieces to the inside. (See video)They tend to bake harder.
  • Bake for an other 10-15 min. Check if they are dry and easy to pick up. Cool them on a wooden cutting board.
  • Store them in a closed container in a dry and dark place. I put 4 slices in one plastic bag and freeze them for later use. After tawing I keep them in the refridgerator, they will stay good for about 5 days.
Keyword basic, chia, coconutflour, easy, flaxseed, psyllium
Let the Starch free bread cool off on a wooden cutting board.
Basic flat bread - starch free recipe

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